There's a lot of women out there who say "I just don't have the money, time, patience, supplies, or whatever to be creative." "If I had the stuff like she does, I could be creative too."
Does that sound like you? I've been guilty of it. "If only I had a bigger space to work in." "If only I had a bright and airy studio instead of this basement." If only, if only...
But really the resources we need are not out of our reach. We make the time to do what we want to do. And there is stuff supplies everywhere to use.
Here they just took leaves and some contact paper or some colorful paper and feathers...
Here they just took leaves and some contact paper or some colorful paper and feathers...
I made these last night out of flour, a little sugar, salt and yeast (I had them all in my pantry). And they were yummy!
When we focus on what we have...what God has given us...He can do great things! Remember the boy with the two fishes and 5 loaves of bread? Jesus turned it into a meal for five thousand people! (John 6:1-13)
Are you willing to give up your little "lunch" for a big feast? I believe God wants us to use our creativity for Him, to glorify Him. And no one is blessed when we're too scared or lazy to do something about it!

linkin up:

Wow...your last two lines match my feelings about a step I am too scared to take. AND we discussed it at my women's group this morning. I guess God is telling me something. Thanks, Hez!
amen, sister! we serve a creative God indeed
(those hand turkeys are extremely cute!)
Ummmm hello! And thank you for this reminder. I think it was just for me! :) God used you today. xoxo
Wise, heather. Just plain goodness here...:)
Ahhhhh shucks. You said it sister. So much in this life is about perspective. Do you have enough? Too much? Too little? I guess it's all in how we look at things. I don't know anyone who is really made happier simply by "getting" still is in how you look at what you "got." Preach on sister...preach on!!!
oh i love this post because i am working on finding and channeling that part of me right now...thanks!
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