Friday, August 19, 2011

first day, first grade

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How did this happen? When did first grade get here?

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He wasn't super excited about school, but he was happy to get to see his friends. He's like his mama and gets nervous, until he figures everything out.

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He can tie his own shoes now. I asked him if he needed help. He didn't.

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I get nervous for him. I hope he finds his class ok. I hope he likes his teacher. I hope some of his friends are in his class. I hope...See, I told you he was just like me.

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How many pictures do you think Marty the bus driver was in today? :)

This is the third first day he's had. And every year, I become more aware of how life slips so quickly by. He'll be seven in just a few months. He says "summer took too fast." I agree, Buddy. So did the last seven years.


Heather @ we.are.the.holdens said...

Aww, sweet photos. Loved your last line..:)

mickev said...

He's so cute! And how cooperative was he? No eye rolling pictures? Way to go, Sloney, hope 1st grade is awesome!

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