The flag raising was cool. Evidently, the firemen do this every year. I had never seen it. We usually are down at the other end of the parade at a friend's house. But this year we walked up town.

Our national anthem gives me goose bumps every single time.
The boys on the other hand were just ready for the candy to be thrown out:)

Good thing Bo had on his cargo pants so he could fill his pockets with his stash of candy! I forgot to take any bags to collect it in.

Then there were the pedal tractor pulls. Bo got second and Slone got third. I'm not sure either of them really got what they were supposed to be doing. But Slone said he should have tried harded after he saw the trophy with the big gold tractor on it.
Check out Bo's cheezin smile while he pulls:)
When am I going to learn to not talk while I'm taping!?
Then the boys rode a few rides. Swings were the favorite of the day:)

It was the most beautiful day.
i think your boys will love hearing your voice on the video when they get older! looks like a fun weekend!
I love EVERYTHING about these videos. Especially your voice cheering on your boys. I agree with Kinze, they will love it someday. Looks like a fun day, wish we would have been in town to enjoy it!! Way to go Bo and Slone : )
Looks like such a fun weekend together! : )
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