I don't know though. I look a little drugged. I usually did around this time in my life. I just didn't open my eyes all the way, I still don't. But geez, is that any worse than the looks on my older sisters' faces?:)
spooks..haha...gotta love them.
So our old school closed down. We were all really excited because we could wear pants to the new school. BUT, we had to have "seat-covers". I kid you not people. In case you were confused, "seat-covers" were shirts that were long enough to cover your butt, lest some boy accidently looked at your butt thought naughty things about you. Sometimes I can't believe that this is the school my parents volentarily sent us too.

Proof right here...That was our cheerleading outfit that year.
The numbers in the classes dropped severely too. Our class went from being one of the largest to only 5 of us by the time we graduated. The new school was mainly run by a board of parents that sent their kids to our school. We (meaning me, Lester, and Emma) hated the board. We got accused of a lot gossip and crappy things that year. It was pretty much awful.

Still played vball. Still loved it. But I'm kinda sick of talking about it.
Had my first boyfriend that year too. His name was Josh. He called me "QT PI" but he spelled pi like you would in algebra. He was my first kiss. He broke up with me because well, we were 15 and what really do 15 year olds have in common besides crappy music and school. He didn't go to our school either.
Ha! I love it. I love that family pic, all you ladies had cool hair...I would have KILLED for my hair to look like your sister's (The one that lives in SC) And WHOA did your cheer outfit look a little different than mine!! ; )
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