Oh yes, we have pigs. Or should I say pig-es. That's how Bo says it:) see his pig outfit? You have to wear long pants, gloves, and a hat when you're doing pig chores.

Their names are Bacon, Pepperoni, Billy, and Billy. The last two are the names Bo picked out. You wouldn't want your pigs confused.

Oh, and if you get thirsty while you're doing the chores just help yourself...the pigs do! Don't worry, I have put a stop to drinking pig water...at least while I'm out there anyway. What momma doesn't know won't hurt her!

I'm sure you are going to be seeing lots of these guys this summer:) It's actually one of the best things at we have done for the boys. They are learning responsibility by taking care of them. And they do know it's their responsibility. This momma is not doing that! I've actually already done that and I dont want to again.
Great post!
haha ... i love it ... this brings back a lot of my childhood memories!
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