Tuesday, November 30, 2010

wait, what? who's six?

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Slone. Six. Today. I'm old.


He wants a lego birthday party. So I found some little legomen molds on Amazon. I melted some white chocolate chips, mixed in a little orange food coloring and piped it in the mold with a baggie. I froze them for just about 5 minutes to get the chocolate hard again and popped 'em out. Since the school only allows store-bought snacks, I bought these at Hy-Vee. They are actually really good. I just cannot stomach that much frosting though. But kids eat it up....like frosting.

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We took them to school to share with his class. All the kids were pretty happy to see us, especially when we walked in with these.

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I had to add one blue guy. An orange one didn't make it out of the mold with his head.

Here he is getting his box of legos. So stoked. I was the coolest mom for about 5 minutes til we fought about Bo playing too.

so happy with the box of legos

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Happy Birthday, Slone! Love you!


Anonymous said...

Tell Slone Happy Birthday. Love the molds. Great idea. We will be there Sunday!

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