He was the "star" last week and got report "today's news".

And he had to come straight home and tape it up on the wall in the living room. Matt asked me last night how long I was going to let Slone decorate. I say as long as he's proud of his work, there will always be a spot for it on my wall. I want him to know that I think he's important.

Today, he is a teenage mutant ninja turtle. He got the little mask at a birthday party and that started it all. I bought some felt in bulk at Joanns and found a picture on google and started sewing. I think it turned out pretty cool.

I didn't take any pics in the process. Totally forgot. But it's a pretty simple costume. I bought the pants and shirt at Old Navy on the clearance rack. All the felt cost me around 10 bucks. Not too shabby. I got one yard of dark brown (I probably could've gotten by with a half yard), quarter yard of the light brown, and half yard of green (probably could have gotten less of it too). But I didn't really know at the time just exactly what I was going to do. I sewed and stuffed the shell first, added the belt, made the front plate and added shoulder straps. The only thing I wish I would have done differently is lower the belt on the shell so it would be higher on his back.

Still, I think it's pretty cool. And it's easy enough for him to put it on by himself. I'm going to his party today so you'll probably be seeing a few of those pics later!
Happy Trick or Treating!
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