I got the plans off of Knock-off Wood. If you haven't checked out this girl's site, you should. You'll be addicted.
It's really nice since I can fold up the door and my mess is hidden inside. I was a little chicken to build the drawers like the plans called for though. (well, actually I was too tired. MDF is heavy!) But I found these awesome file folder boxes at the Container Store. They fit perfectly on the bottom shelf.
I don't know if you can tell it or not in the pic, but i painted it a deep purple. I am in love with that color right now. I found some awesome jewelry at Pier One today in the same color:)
Here's a shot of it open...
There's my favorite coffee mug on the coaster Slone made me for mother's day. My new little sew kit from Border's that I scored for $7! It has like twenty Amy Butler patterns in it plus some fabric! And my ipod and my calendar.
And some of the books that I've been reading.
Matt says that I need to quit building furniture. My house is too small. But I am addicted! I'm trying to figure out what to build next;)
You could build me one of those desks...in purple...or maybe a deep red. I am so in awe of you, Hez! It is really so spectacular. Great job! Could you bottle up some of that motivation and creativity and send it my way??
I love love love it! Have you read the Creative Family or Handmade Home? I bet you'd like them. I follow her blog at www.soulemama.com
Heather I love this.....that is totally up my alley - I love the website! PS I will have to post pics of Ms. Taylor's new room..you would love it! She does very girlie - but not over kill on the pink ... so jer said it could stay in our house...hahahah I had it done before he got home...so he literally did nothing...so I felt awesome! I will try to remember those pics!
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