Friday, March 18, 2011

FREE charm when you sign up by Sunday!

Hey there! Have you signed up for the Yours Truly Necklace Class yet? No? Well, there are a few spaces left and I have a FREE stamped charm for you if you sign up by Sunday, March 20th at 7pm!
There will be extra charms available at the class. They are $5 a piece. If you have already signed up...don't worry, you'll get one too.

one necklace free charm

These are really cool to have your children's initials stamped on them. Your necklace kit comes with only one stamped charm, so if you have more than one kid, you had better get in on this deal! Did you realize that you are going to get to do the stamping too?!

necklace kit free charm

The Yours Truly class is going to be lots of fun! Even if you don't wear too much jewelry, you could always give the necklace as a gift. You know, Mother's Day is coming up!

Here's the link for the class! I hope you can make it there!  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

dear tooth fairy...

well, it happened all at once. he grew up. lost two teeth in about 3 days. one fell out at school. the other was swallowed up with a breadstick. hence the dear tooth fairy note:) dad helped him spell fairy, then he quit, hence "swold", haha

dear tooth fairy

such a big kid

no teeth slone

oh yeah, and it's official! my passport is here! I'm ready to go! hello, mexico!

Friday, March 11, 2011

i almost died

when I opened this package! My mom can vouch for me, I was on the phone with her. Remember, I obviously have an obsession with flickr swaps. Just search for flickr swaps over in the sidebar. But this one was one that I really wanted to be a part of. It was the {Urban Home Goods} swap!

what i got

Look what was in it!

what i got

Did this girl nail what I like or what!? LOVE this pillow so much! And it looks fabulous on my chair!

what i got

Funny though, this beautiful pillow came from the south from a girl named Heather:) I used to hate my name, because of it's popularity. I blame it on my little sister having such a unique and memorable name. People would say "Charity, what a beautiful name!" Then turn to me and say, "What was your name again?" Thanks:P

But I love that her name is Heather! And by the way, Heather if you are reading this, comment so I can look at your flickr stuff and I hope you have a blog! I loved the note you sent along too!

what i got

She also sent along two fabulous notebook/journals, that will be permanently in my bag. I also got a few other fun goodies but I don't want you all to get too jealous. I seriously ended up with a great partner!

what i got

I have also be checking out a new website. It's called Pinterest. It's an online photo album that lets you "pin" your favorite "interests" (pics) in folders for you and it saves the links to them too! Ah! My dream come true! If you want to join, you have to be invited. So email me your email and I can do it, or you can just request it on the site. But it does take a few days on there.

While I was looking, I've been listening to her! enjoy!

I hope you have a terrific weekend!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

chalkboard pots

I love terra cotta flower pots. love them. they are so timeless, rustic, and they are cheap!

plain jane

I had some left over chalkboard paint from this project. I decided to paint it on just the top rim. It dries relatively quickly.


chalkboard pot

Then I used a white paint pen and drew some scallops on it.

I planted some succulents in it and wrote on it. I love how simple it is!

finished chalkboard pot

We are making these for MOPS on Monday morning! But we will be sharing some herb seeds instead of actual plants!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

new scarves and another class

Wow! Is it Tuesday already?!

This past weekend I whipped up a couple of things:) How do you like this scarf? I actually wore it today. It's pretty comfy and not at all bulky like I thought it would be. I think I'm going to make them a tad shorter, so you only wrap them twice instead of three times.

scarves - they are coming!

What do you think? Would you wear one?

Then I worked on some new ideas for classes for Whoa Nellie! This one's gonna be cool! Stay tuned for more info on that. You really need to go sign up for the newsletter or "like" Whoa Nellie on facebook!

whoa nellie class idea!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

week 8

Well? How's the reading coming? I will admit this last week was kinda boring. My dad says read it anyway, because one day you'll be having a conversation with somebody and you'll need to know that information. Ok, ok. I'm still not sure, but I did sign up to read ALL of it!

So what stuck out to me? Uncleanliness. It's mentioned A LOT. There was trying to figure out if a wife cheated on her husband by drinking the bitter water. unclean. And how many days a woman if to be unclean for her period and after she had a baby (different if she had a boy than a girl). All the different sacrifices to give for different kinds of uncleanliness. What kind of animals to eat. unclean or not?

I guess maybe the last one there is where I've needed to read this because it has been the topic of conversation before.

I do believe the whole Bible is the word of God, but I also believe Jesus paid the price for our sins and He was the ultimate sacrifice so we don't have to offer animal sacrifices anymore (thank goodness) or follow certain rules (I'm not talking about the 10 commandments here).

Jesus also talks about worrying more about what's coming out of our mouth rather than what's going in it (Matthew 15:11-20). He says that the unclean things that we say and think are coming from an unclean heart. Oh, man, how many times has a horrible thing come out of my mouth? And I'm gonna worry about the bacon and eggs that I had for breakfast instead of dealing with my dirty heart! See His point?

I think I'm going to focus on my heart and mouth this week.

Oh, and I've had a few people say to me "you must have it all together" or "where do you find the time?" I do not have it all together, nor do I have the time. Sadly, my mouth is the last thing I usually have control over. The next thing is the house. So while you might see a neat and tidy blog and I'm starting Whoa Nellie Crafts, this is what my desk looked like afterward:

desk (crafty side)

desk (tax time side)

And my children "suffering" with all their toys while I work:)

living room after too many crafts and taxes

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whoa Nellie Crafts!

I am so excited about Whoa Nellie Crafts!

So here's the scoop...I really love teaching and sharing my craft/art projects with my MOPS group. And I really love the fellowship you get with a group of friends coming together. I have been stewing over having a craft class for quite awhile. And now, with lots of encouragement from my sisters, mom, and sisters-in-law, I've decided it's time to go for it.

I believe that we have an extremely creative God who gave us tons of great materials to work with. And maybe, just maybe, if we learn a new craft, He could use that to make us closer to Him while becoming closer with the ones we are working with. Whoa Nellie Crafts is a way to get a group of girls together for a night out while learning something new together.

I'm happy to announce that the very first Whoa Nellie Crafts Class will be held at the Rhythm Kitchen in Peoria, on March 22 at 7pm. We will be making the Yours Truly Necklace!


Go to Whoa Nellie and reserve your spot today!

coaster blog

More classes are going to be added to the mix this week, so check out the Whoa Nellie website, join the facebook page, and sign up for the newsletter. That way you'll be notified as soon as everything comes out!
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